Your future self

Photo by Sidekix Media

Hello again, my love.

I always make sure I clean my kitchen and get everything organized for my mornings BEFORE I go to bed at night.

I’ve been thinking about why I do this, and why it’s a total non negotiable for me.

And the reason is, I love my future self so much.

I want to take care of her to the BEST of my abilities, in every moment.

I want to set her up for SUCCESS. I want her to FEEL amazing when she walks downstairs first thing in the morning.

I quite literally believe that she DESERVES to wake up to a beautiful, clean kitchen and an organized life.

She DESERVES all of that amazingness.

I haven’t always been this way.

I used to not give a shit about her.

I would let EVERYTHING be left unorganized, dirty, chaotic.

I would do this until my entire life got so out of hand, I could no longer even function.

I was basically guaranteeing that future Ellicia would soon feel overwhelmed and anxious because of how I decided to show up in my NOW.

We don’t realize how the little decisions we make every single day send such strong messages to the deepest, most fragile parts of ourselves.

The parts that need the most love.

The parts that need to be reminded frequently that we deserve good things. We are worthy of it all.

We are always speaking to our future selves.

In every moment.

And we are either loving them, or leaving them to fend for themselves.

So I want you to think about this.

How often do you look out for your future self?

How often do you go that extra mile to think about what THEIR best interests are?

Are you choosing to avoid the discomfort of setting them up for success RIGHT NOW so you can take the easier route, save some energy and keep procrastinating right now?

Do you say, “Welp, she’s on her own” or do you say “Let me try and help her figure it out ahead of time.”

What do YOU think your future self deserves?

Stress? Or peace?

Chaos? Or empowerment?

Someone who loves and has their back? Or someone who could care less what happens to them?

You are deciding that moment to moment.

What I recommend?

Take good care of that future version of you.

Love them more than you’ve loved anything else in your entire life before.

Constantly send the message that they deserve it.

Then watch how your life transforms.

Your Coach,


P.S. If you’re ready to learn and apply this material even faster, come join my 1 on 1 coaching program. You will learn how to guide your brain without any drama or confusion and feel in control and confident with every decision you make.


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