How to stop sabotaging yourself
Photo by Alan Tang
Hello again, my love.
For this month’s Free Masterclass, I am going to teach you how to stop sabotaging yourself.
Yes, you read that right.
In my pre thought work days, self sabotage was a constant occurrence for me.
It looked like me unnecessarily complicating the hell out of my life, my relationships, and my goals.
Instead of understanding my brain and working with it to create the future I wanted, I kept letting myself get caught up in victim & comparison mode.
I had been completely unaware of the intense scarcity mindset that was driving all of my decisions and behaviors.
This really negatively affected my relationships, my work ethic, and my ability to change.
I wasn’t sabotaging myself on purpose, of course.
No one does.
Sabotage is a very normal human response in trying to up level your life. And I didn’t have any guidance available to me during this time to help me navigate this.
I spent several years of my life becoming a professional self saboteur before I realized I really needed help with this problem.
Now, I want to help as many people as I can avoid doing the same.
Whenever we choose growth and expansion, our primitive brain finds it threatening and tries to shut it down.
We freak out. We get scared. We resist change.
Let’s not let this normal response get in the way of creating the life of our dreams.
Let’s talk about the easy solution I have for you.
Join me this Saturday, May 7th at 1 pm AKST where I will teach you how to stop sabotaging yourself in 3 simple steps.
Click the link below to join live.
Bring any questions you might have.
I’ll see you there.
Your Coach,
P.S. If you’re enjoying what you’re learning in these newsletters, I invite you to come join my 1 on 1 coaching program, where we apply this work together and take it to an even deeper understanding. Book a free consultation below.