Yard work thoughts
Photo by David Guarino
Hello again, my love.
I was doing some intense yard work last week.
Re-edging the out of control garden, de-weeding the rocks, painting the deck, selling old stuff from the shed.
It felt incredible…rewarding. Even though I’m still in the middle of my progress I can already see and feel how amazing the finished product will be in my mind.
So I asked myself, why didn’t I do all of this sooner?
Why did I wait years to make this yard look as beautiful as I always knew it could look? As I always wanted it to look?
I sat in the question for a while.
What I discovered is, humans will leave something the way it’s always been (forever and ever) simply because it’s easier than putting in the work to change it.
It doesn’t kill us to keep our lives (or in this case, my yard) the same as they’ve always been, but it also doesn’t FILL us up.
Notice how often we will choose easy over fulfilling.
Notice how often we aren’t willing to put in the work to change.
Notice how we make these decisions simply because we’d rather not exhaust ourselves in the process.
Humans are either evolving with life, or devolving against life.
BOTH of these are exhausting.
But one form of exhaustion serves us, and the other does not.
Whenever we pretend we are ok with how things are and always have been… when we’re really not ok with it, we choose to stand in the way of our own evolution.
So I’ll amend my statement.
It does kill us to stay the same.
It kills our potential.
It kills our ambition.
It kills our self belief and empowerment.
It kills the realm of possibility that we all have access to.
Transforming my entire yard and making it into something different & intentional— took a LOT out of me.
It required so much thought out change.
It was not easy.
But it was 100% worth it.
We each get to decide if something is worth it to us.
I weighed the discomfort of changing my yard against the discomfort of keeping it the same.
Which one was more important to me?
I decided it was more important to me to do the work than to keep it the same.
That’s usually the case.
I ask my clients to answer this same question every week.
Which discomfort is more important to you?
The discomfort of evolution or devolution?
Staying the same you that you’ve always been, or becoming the someone you actually want to be?
Are you willing to bust your ass? Are you willing to work really hard?
Yes, it’s intense. It can feel impossible and the process might overwhelm you at times.
But the minute you can see and feel that end goal in your mind… the closer you get to it… that is when you’ll recognize
it was all worth it.
Your Coach,
P.S. If you’re ready to learn and apply this material even faster, come join my 1 on 1 coaching program. You will learn how to guide your brain without any drama or confusion and feel in control and confident with every decision you make.