Spirit, truth & abundance

Photo by Kier in sight

Hello again, my love.

I want you to think about what the words spirit, truth & abundance mean to you right now.

Are they just buzzwords?

Or are they the secret to your thriving on this planet?

These words were 100% buzzwords to me up until I turned 21.

But something happened to me that year.

I had an awakening of sorts.

I received some terrible news.

And then my entire life changed.

Sometimes the shock of terrible news can be so jarring, it will jolt you out of the trance you’ve been living under.

I had been living under a trance for 21 years.

Under this trance, I was stuck, lost, purposeless, confused, angry, and so afraid.

And suddenly… one day… I was freed from it.

Today, I am sharing my story with you.

My story of trance to tranquility.

My story of pain to peace.

It’s a classic tale, but sometimes it takes hearing the right story at the exact right time to spark the small awakening within you that you’ve been waiting for.

That’s my hope for you today.

Listen to the full story by clicking the link below to this week’s podcast episode.

Your Coach,



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