Two simple spring prompts

Photo by Daiga Ellaby

Hello again, my love.

May is right around the corner.

If you live where I live, then you know it feels like such a giant relief to see bare, frozen, dirty land transform into a vibrant, green, alive landscape before your very eyes in a matter of weeks.

As the seasons change, we want to make sure we are changing, too.

Not because something is wrong with us and we need to change.

But because change is just how nature works, and we are a part of nature.

What helps me— and all my clients— continue to evolve along with the seasons, are some good old fashioned writing prompts.

Try these two out:

1. What do I most appreciate about where I am in life right now and how does it compare to where I ultimately want to be?

2. What am I willing and not willing to change about the way I operate in order to become this next version of me?

Enjoy your season of change.

Your Coach,


P.S. If you’re ready to learn and apply this material even faster, come join my 1 on 1 coaching program. You will learn how to guide your brain without any drama or confusion and feel in control and confident with every decision you make.


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April’s Masterclass is TODAY!