April’s Masterclass is TODAY!
Photo by Thought Catalog
Hello again, my love.
Your brain has this idea of what “safe” means.
Safe means we won’t experience any pain, we won’t use too much energy, and there will be pleasure (comfort) involved.
That is safe.
The only problem with our brain’s criteria for “safe” is it keeps us from accomplishing what we know we are capable of.
It keeps us wondering why we aren’t doing the things we know we could be doing.
It keeps us from changing and evolving into newer and healthier versions of ourselves.
If we ever wander too far outside of our brain’s safety zone, we immediately shut down our own progress.
Whether we are aware of it or not, we sabotage our growth.
We are left dizzied and confused by our own behaviors and decisions all because our brain thinks these changes are unsafe.
There is a way to solve this.
There is a way to bypass this primitive function in our brains.
There is a way to STOP standing in our own way when it comes to creating healthy changes in our lives.
And it all starts by understanding what “safe” really means to us.
How does your brain define safety?
How do you want to change that story?
How much discomfort are you willing to allow in order to follow through on creating this new story in your life?
I will help you answer all these questions and more on today’s free masterclass call.
Join me at 1pm AKST at the link below
I can’t wait to break this down into easy steps with you.
Your Coach,
P.S. If you’re loving what you’re learning on these masterclasses, I invite you to come check out my one on one coaching program. This is where we do individualized work on applying these concepts until you master them.