Questions & Answers

Photo by Emily Morter


Why do I feel stuck?

Why do I feel like I’ve been wasting my time?

Why do I feel lost?

Why can’t I just listen to my soul when it tries to pull me in the right direction?

Why can’t I start acting on it?

Why do I waste so much time thinking about my appearance?

Why don’t I spend more time thinking about ways I could help others?

Why don’t I start everyday with intention and love?

Why do I get so afraid of so many people, places, and situations?

Why can’t I start to own the place I’m in right now without feeling like such a burden or a roadblock?

How do I spread love in a way that actually makes a difference?

Am I even capable of making a difference?

Why do I constantly doubt myself and sell myself short of greatness when greatness is definitely something I want?

What am I really afraid of?

Why do I doubt my faith when I know it lives in my heart?

Who in the world is going to answer these questions?

How do I become the me I want to become when I don’t yet know who that’s going to be?

Why didn’t I ask these questions a long time ago?



My love,

You feel stuck because you don’t know how to connect with your emotions or choose your thoughts on purpose yet.

(you will learn so soon)

You have not been wasting your time, you’ve been suffering under the crushing weight of your poor mental health—which is not your fault at all.

You feel lost because this world you live in is disconnected from the truth, and it’s done its best to make certain you feel disconnected from truth, too. It is disorienting to live in this painful illusion. But you are not lost. You are exactly where you are supposed to be.

You stop yourself from listening to your soul because you have been conditioned to follow the crowd, to stay in the tribe, that’s the only way you know how to survive. No one else around you is listening to their soul—so you don’t find it safe yet. That makes perfect sense.

You aren’t acting on what you really want because you are telling yourself you can’t act on it. It’s that simple.

You think about your appearance so much because you live in a patriarchy that has conditioned you to believe that women aren’t inherently valuable—they must earn their value. You have been taught that women are only valuable when they meet or exceed our cultures beauty standards. This has really fucked up your self esteem and confidence. It’s lethal. It’s painful. It’s the most dangerous lie.

You must help yourself first, before you can help others.

You will start your everyday with love once you finally learn how to love yourself better.

My darling, you are so afraid of so many things because no one has taught you how to feel safe in your own body or how to soothe your own mind. You will learn. For now, honor the wisdom and truth in your fear.

Before you can own where you are now, you must take responsibility for where you are now. You must stop feeling sorry for yourself first. You must choose to stop thinking like a victim.

When you start to love yourself and accept yourself unconditionally—you will have already made all the difference in the world.

You are capable of so much more than your mind can comprehend right now.

You doubt your own greatness because all of your mother’s mother’s mothers have been forced to discredit, dismiss and deny their own greatness for centuries.

There is no evidence around you of their true greatness. It has all been deleted and disfigured.

You are here to change that.

They were great. They were powerful. They were strong.

And you are, too.

All that you are ever afraid of is a sentence in your mind and a vibration in your body. It’s all harmless, love. Fear is an illusion.

Your faith is as alive right now as it will ever be.

Your heart never lies to you. Your mind does.

Your unconditionally loving future self is going to answer all of these questions and more for you in about five years time, witnessing and honoring all of you exactly where you are. Knowing nothing has gone wrong. Not then. Not now. Not ever.

To become the you you truly want to become, you do exactly as you are right now, you start asking questions.

You weren’t ready to ask these questions until right now. This was the most perfect timing. Not a minute too late or too soon.

The whole universe is supporting you and wants you to be, do and have everything you want to be, do and have.


Living More Intentionally


Pandemic Feelings