Living More Intentionally

Photo by Uriel Soberanes


I want to start living more intentionally.

I want to live in a life that I created and dreamed up.

I’m excited to be in that place but I won’t get there until I start where I am right now.

I need to make it happen.

When I made this conscious decision about a week ago, I got thrown some curve balls that slowed me down.

They made me start to question whether I can do it or not.

And even once the smoke settled I still have to combat so much negativity around me with as much positivity and focus as I can muster.

It takes a lot out of me.

I’m expected by everyone else to choose the more “secure” and fearful route in life.

But I choose the one that I’m going to create instead.

Where life will be exactly how I intend and expect it to be.

Where I have control over all of my outcomes (obviously not in all powerful Godly way but in an emotionally mature way).

I am ready to start making the moves.

I hope the Universe is ready back.


Loving What Is


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