How to make a decision

Photo by Amritanshu Sikdar

Hello again, my love.

Last week we talked about the importance of deciding for yourself.

Now let’s talk about HOW to make a decision.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a little decision or a big decision, the process is exactly the same.

Which decision feels the best?

It’s as simple as that. I am not kidding.

But simple does NOT mean easy, friends.

Sometimes just checking in with how we actually feel is an obstacle in and of itself.

If we don’t even understand what we are feeling, it makes perfect sense why we would be afraid to make big decisions for ourselves.

But our feelings are our only guides. They are the one thing actually connected to our unique truth.

When we have gotten so used to ignoring, denying, and invalidating our own feelings, it can be disorienting to try to reconnect with them.

That’s what coaches are for.

They don’t TELL you what to feel or what to do or how to do it.

They simply show you what you have long forgotten.

They show you how to find whatever it is that feels true for you.

Your friendly coach,


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I’ll see you there!


True desire vs false desire


Deciding for yourself