True desire vs false desire

Photo by Alexis Fauvet

Hello again, my love.

So, we all have desires.

Some of us want amazing relationships.

Some of us want more money.

Some of us want to make a positive difference in the world.

All of our desires are important and unique to each person.

But where do these desires really come from?

Can we always count on them being our true desires?

Or is it possible that some of the most pressing desires we have are false and are just what we’ve been told to desire?

The difference is huge.

Because our desires are really our direction in life, and we want to make sure that we are always following the direction that is truly and authentically our own.

Let’s learn how to carefully tell the difference.

Our true desires are always uniquely our own.

We know this because of the way they make us feel (really, freaking good).

This doesn’t mean no one else has the same desire, it just means it has derived from inside of us—not outside.

True desires have no real regard for what others might expect from us, and at times they might directly oppose what our loved ones or society expects from us.

This never stops a true desire from making itself known.

In fact, it makes the desire even more desirable to us.

True desires feel important. They feel urgent, in the best way. And it’s easy to imagine the possibility of them as already real.

False desires feel much more pressurized and serious. They feel stressful and create resentment while imagining the possibility of them.

Even if everyone else is encouraging and supporting this false desire, something will always feel amiss or lacking.

False desires stem from our past, our logic and what we believe we should do.

False desires are disconnected from the heart and from what we truly WANT to do.

We aren’t meant to follow a direction in life that isn’t our own.

We aren’t meant to stay stuck in places filled with only false desires and false dreams.

We are meant to find out exactly what we want— and then go create it.

Your true desires will not leave you no matter how long you’ve ignored them. They will always be waiting and ready for you to take their direction.

So, what are you waiting for?

Your friendly coach,


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