Deciding for yourself

Photo by Javier Allegue Barros

Hello again, my love.

When you need to make an important decision about something, what do you do first?

Who do you consult?

Do you google it? Do you call your dad? Do you ask your spouse? Your friends?

Why is it we can so easily trust in the opinions of others, but never in our own?

Why can we rarely, if ever, stand behind our own decisions without immediately doubting or questioning them?

When the small decisions you are making every day stop reflecting your truth, they end up shifting your entire life in a direction that does not even belong to you.

This can be a scary realization.

The truth is, we have gotten way to comfortable letting other people make important decisions for us.

It is no one’s job but your own to make the important decisions in your life. And the reason is, other people simply can’t know what is right for you, no matter who they are or how well intentioned they seem.

They simply don’t have the access to your deepest desires, to your inherent passions, to what you really believe in.

They only have access to their own.

When you start to ask other people for their opinions, they usually project all of their own fears, doubts, and concerns about THEIR desires, onto you.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with you.

Soon you begin to realize you have been letting someone else’s limiting beliefs STOP you from creating what you want in life.

And that benefits no one.

If you want to stop letting other people decide who and what you are for you, you must relearn what it means to decide for yourself.

You must figure out how to start trusting in your own decisions and then be able to unflinchingly stand behind them when other people inevitably tell you you’re “wrong.”

And I can teach you how.

Your friendly coach,


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I’ll see you there!


How to make a decision


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