Becoming like children

Photo by Annie Spratt


I love this moment before the unfolding.

The unravelling of thoughts.

I just had an epiphany.

”Become like children.”

I don’t know the exact verse but that shit is in the bible somewhere.

As children, before the world changed us, we knew honesty and authenticity.

It’s all we were.

Then, we were taught a bunch of bullshit.

We conformed for safety, and for at the time what we thought was “love.”

There’s no need to spend any time looking back and blaming.

Instead, we must take all this of energy and use it for truth.

Our truth. Our desires. Our dreams.

Connecting back to ourselves is where all of our power exists.

It’s what gives us the clarity and agency to CHANGE, CREATE, & DREAM.

That’s why we’re here.

It’s not to be miserable, constantly complaining victims.

It’s not to point fingers at people who disagree with us.

It’s to know that we are the only ones who can save ourselves.

It’s time to save yourself.


Soul evolution


Strange Time