Soul evolution
Photo by Ahmad Odeh
I watched a Masterclass by Michael Beckwith.
He noted the difference between wanting vs immature wanting and attracting vs soul evolution.
So here I am at a standstill.
I know I don’t wish to continue the immature wanting or attracting.
I now deeply desire my soul’s evolution.
I deeply desire whatever it is my soul wants.
Not what the “me” I’ve developed in this separate state wants.
I want inspiration to lead me to my intentions as opposed to blindly and egotistically wanting.
Beckwith said, my life purpose may not be something I SEE right now.
I feel that.
Whenever I envision coaching or writing or striving to be an entrepreneur it feels stressful, hard, impossible, and hectic.
That’s NOT how soul evolution should feel.
When I’m zeroed in on “it MUST be this path,” I’m disregarding ALL other paths that are available to my soul.
I must be open to my soul’s unfolding and detach from my worldly ideals of what I think should happen:
the success I think I should have, the money I think I should make, the impact I think I should leave.
Maybe it’s much smaller and less significant.
Maybe it’s much bigger and down a different path entirely that I can’t even fathom now if I tried.
So I must stop controlling the parts of my imagination that aren’t meant to be controlled.
I must release it, surrender it, so it can do the work of taking me to the exact right path and place.
One that feels wildly good and rewarding and easy and blissful and fun.
Where I won’t be attached to any kind of validation or approval at any of the stops along the way.
It’ll unfold organically and miraculously, just as my immature wants have.
Now it’s time to level up.
I have the physical wants. They are done.
And yet I know I’m not even scratching the surface yet for my spiritual, soul’s evolution.