What I Love About Life

Photo by Aziz Acharki


I love the wind, the rain, and the snow. 

I love knowing I can have, be or do anything I want. 

I love knowing life is not a competition or scary. 

I love knowing it can be easy and effortless. 

I love being home. 

I love the sky in the day or at night. 

I love offering people transformations. 

I love creating freedom, breakthroughs and success so I can show other people exactly how to do it. 

I love having my own back. 

I love nature and technology. 

I love having the peace of God accessible to me at any time. 

I love humanity exactly as it is right now. 

I love myself exactly as I am right now. 

I love forgiveness. 

I love the smell of cool fresh air. 

I love when people are giving and helpful. 

I love being the someone who is giving and helpful.

I love waiting, patience, and not being in a rush.

I love how miracles can happen. 

I love being a miracle worker. 

I love tarot cards, going to bed early, and reading my old journals. 

I love ambitious humans who choose to bet on themselves. 

I love figuring hard things out, and knowing I’m not alone. 

I love being onto my brain, becoming more resilient through my growth cycles. 

I love to feel deeply. 

I love change and knowing all things are temporary. 

I love trusting the path, seeking the good, and accepting help along the way. 

I love knowing so many good things are yet to come.


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