The Last Page

Photo by Kristopher Roller


This is the last page of this journal.

I feel some type of way.

12/11/19 to 10/26/21

Almost 2 years of my thoughts turned into energy and action.

Of my dreams manifested.

Of my fears and doubts and frustrations laid to rest.

Of my growth and my discomfort and my focus and my power.

In these last 2 years I have bought a house, healed my relationship to myself, made 3 vision boards, got engaged to Steven, became a life coach, started a business, got hired in another coaches program, received a real piano, travelled as much as I could, cared for my body, hired a coach, planned a wedding, spent time with my family every chance I could get, worked so many shifts at brewhouse.

I learned how to love and trust myself again.

How to speak to myself differently.

I think back to those nights I’d stay up all night crying, worrying, afraid, so sad and confused.

I would bawl my eyes out.

I just want to hug her now.

Love her.

Tell her everything will turn out so much better than you can even imagine right now.

Focus on your desire more than your doubt.

Don’t get caught up in figuring out the how.

Spend all your time focused on the feeling you want.

And begin to trust in the truth, that you have access to that emotion RIGHT NOW.

You can create everything you want now, in this moment.

Nothing needs to change for you to feel better, for you to believe whatever it is you want to believe.

For you to take pleasure in creating and designing the life of your dreams.

Have fun with it, don’t take it all so seriously.

The view from this point in time is so beautiful.

Looking forward.

Looking backward.

Looking right where I am.

I have done something incredible.

I have discovered the power and limitlessness of self love.


Spiritual Awareness


Conflict is Peaceful