Spotting dysfunctional thoughts

Photo by Trym Nilsen

Hello again, my love.

We think a sh*t load of thoughts every single day.

Upwards of 60,000, to be exact.

That’s a lot of mental noise.

With such a great volume of thoughts, how often do you stop and check the quality, validity, and functionality of your thoughts?

How often do you take an inventory of them and see how they are serving you and what they are creating for you?

Most of us never take the time to do this.

We blow right past the dysfunction of our thoughts and instead focus all of our time and attention on changing our behavior or our circumstances in order to fix all of our problems.

But we are looking for solutions in the wrong place.

Our thoughts are what determine our emotions and behaviors.

And our THOUGHTS are what create all of our results.

So if we want real solutions to our problems, we have to learn how to spot dysfunctional THOUGHTS.

Luckily for us, there is a proven process for spotting dysfunctional thinking while simultaneously creating new thoughts that serve us.

It’s called the self coaching model and I take my one on one clients carefully through this process every single week until they have it down.

If you are interested in learning how to implement this process into your own life and want to experience the time, energy, and life saving benefits of this model, then I invite you to grab your spot in my one on one coaching program, now.

Once you finally realize what the real solution to all of your problems is, you will wish you had started this journey sooner.

Let’s get started together!

Your friendly coach,


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