Shitty Rhymes
Photo by Brett Jordan
My body is tight and tense
So freaked out by it all
I leave it to fend for itself while I build up a wall
I hop into my mind while reality slips out
I imagine a consciousness that’s purely without
The physical-ness
The drama and stress
The fear and the pain and the more or the less
God I hate this place sometimes
I really fucking do
I can run so fast from my pain that I
Refuse to check in with myself in vain
I’m cynical, scared, I’m also a saint
I panic so much I freak out and I faint
What the fuck is this world?
Division and violence
Elegance and poverty
Food poisoning in paradise
I want to relax
Just sit on this beach
Forget about my mind and drift into retreat
Forget about this rollercoaster of big ups and downs
Emotions in my body straight flinging me around
I decide I want to be a tree instead
It is already so on the inside of my head
Since I was young I’ve thought they were divine
If I am one with all things then it’s true, they are mine
Word vomit
Shitty rhymes
I want to be a rockstar just to get out of public
I’m on a plane
Emotional pain
While someone keeps farting
Distress in my body way up in my chest
If anything is possible why can’t I feel like the best?