How to listen to your thoughts

Photo by NeONBRAND

Hello again my love.

I’ll never forget the moment one short paragraph ripped my entire world open:

“That voice in my head, isn’t it me? Don’t I think my thoughts? You can answer this for yourself. If the voice in your head is you, who’s the one listening to it?


Wait… seriously.


Up until that point, I had 100% believed the voice in my head was indeed me. It was the fabric of my identity. It was my personality, belief systems and all of my memories wrapped up into one voice.

This perspective shift allowed me to realize I had been very wrong. I am not my thoughts at all. I am simply the conscious awareness witnessing my thoughts.

This is an advanced concept.

But it is a life altering one.

The world today makes it so easy to avoid listening to our thoughts. We can plug into a screen or find a convenient distraction at any time of the day or night.

So why bother listening?

The hard truth is, if we aren’t paying any attention to our thoughts, we aren’t paying any attention to our lives. We aren’t really living, we’re just letting time pass us by.

I don’t know about you, but I’d like to capitalize on this lifetime.

I’d like to have, see, do, and become incredible things that amaze me. I’d like to lay my head down on the pillow at night thinking, “Yup. I kicked ass today. Can’t wait to do it again tomorrow.”

Not, “Ugh…tomorrow’s another day. I wish I could just stay in bed instead.”

The way to shift this narrative once and for all is to start listening closely to your thoughts.

What are your thoughts saying right now? When is the last time you’ve checked on them? Organized them? Intentionally created them? Questioned them?

Thoughts, and the way you relate to them, determine everything in your life. They determine your quality of life, your emotional state, every single relationship you have, the money you create, and what you are capable of.

They direct your energy and focus. They predict where you will be in the future. They decide what you make your past mean.

Thoughts are the only place to look when you are having a problem. And they are the only place to look for a viable solution.

In order to really listen to your thoughts, you must be willing to be alone with yourself. You have to sit in true silence. You have to put away all the distractions. You have to write your thoughts down, analyze them, and then get curious.

Life changes when you are as careful with your thoughts as you would be walking the edge a 1000 foot cliff. Give them that kind of attention and consideration, and there’s no way you won’t create the life of your dreams.

Your friendly coach,


P.S. If you’re liking what you’re learning in this blog, you’ll love my one on one coaching program. This is where we take this work deeper and apply it to your life, together. You will learn how to master your thoughts and emotions and create a life you’re unfailingly proud of. Join while there are still spots left. I’ll see you there!


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