The 3 benefits of taking a walk
Photo by Old Youth
Hello again my love.
I remember when the state of my mental and emotional health rapidly transformed over the span of one year.
I went from feeling 100% unfulfilled, anxious and insecure to feeling peaceful and empowered within.
What was I doing so right?
How did I get there so fast?
My transformation was extremely multifaceted and included hiring my own life coach of course, but I’ve gotta give props to the one FREE thing that helped me out the most:
Taking a walk outside every single day.
At the time I wasn’t aware that this simple act was improving my mental and emotional health.
I thought I was just doing it for my dog. I thought I was doing it for my PHYSICAL health alone.
But alas, here are the 3 mental and emotional health benefits of taking a 20 minute walk outside every day.
1. Your brain is happier. All the fresh oxygen. All the endorphins being released. When your brain is happy, your mood improves automatically. It’s easier to regulate your emotions. You are able to think clearly afterward. And what was just stressing you out 5 minutes ago, stops feeling so stressful once you’re outside and gain some perspective.
2. It’s impossible to get lost in distractions while you’re on a walk outside. You can’t stare at your phone (I hope). You can’t watch tv. You can’t escape your mind in anyway. You have to focus on putting one foot in front of the other. You finally give your mind a moment to breathe, to stop rushing, to stop worrying, to just relax. This actually improve our efficiency and concentration tenfold. Allowing ourselves to simply witness our mind without acting on every thought we might have allows us to build the vital skill of awareness. And awareness is the first and most important step of a healthy mental and emotional life.
3. Nature has answers. I don’t fucking care how cheesy that sounds. It really does. It shows you how everything’s connected. It reminds you that everything is just temporary. It cares about you and your wellbeing. Nature offers perspective. It encourages you to question things. It helps you see things from different angles. Nature is alive with a magical energy and momentum. Even when it appears to be still it is moving and changing. It helps you recognize you are a part of something larger, grander, and bigger than just you.
There is beauty in nature in every season, in every climate, and at every time of day.
I encourage you to start searching for it.
Sometimes healing… is a lot easier than we think it is.
Your friendly coach,
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