Highs and Lows

Photo by Toa Heftiba



Life is strange.

The ever changing highs and lows.

Day to day. Month to month.

I would say today was an absolute high.

And it’s a nice place to sit, at the end of such a day.

To reflect and feel thankful.

I find that the days that are high tend to be filled with mostly gratitude, patience, joy and hard work.

It was a day where I chose to surrender.

I chose to stay present.

I chose to leave anxious and negative thoughts at the wayside.

And I’m learning that having this choice is always an option, always available, no matter the circumstances.

I’m learning that when I make this choice I’m pleased with the energy that I bring to each encounter I have.

And I can tell that this positive energy spills over into other people’s days and has a ripple effect.

Surrender can feel unnatural and flat out irresponsible.

Because society has hardwired us to feel constantly worried, stressed and anxious.

But it is in that simple (and yet so complex) act of surrendering that leads to peacefulness, freedom, strength, joy, and my all time favorite—gratitude.

It’s hard to complain, whine, and moan when your thoughts are focused on all that you have to be grateful for.

Today I felt it running through me at full speed.


Body & Appearance


How to Let Go