Decision Fatigue

Photo by Michelle Tresemer

Hello again, my love.

Our brain loves to put off making decisions.

But decisions are a big part of life.

We make several decisions a day. Big and small. And if we’ve never learned how to make decisions confidently and quickly, it’s reflected in our quality of life.

Whenever we second guess our decisions or leave several decisions open ended for too long, we start to feel overwhelmed and exhausted by poor decision making fatigue.

Doing this actually increases the amount of self doubt and uncertainty we feel in our ability to decide in the future.

It’s a never ending loop of self doubt, second guessing, and the fear of making the “wrong” choice. Meaning, if we ever finally do end up making a decision, we won’t feel good about it at any point in the process.

When it comes to decisions, we want to be creating confidence and certainty with every choice we make, not more insecurity.

Lucky for us, decision making is a science. And I can teach you how to start making decisions FAST and with ease, in a way that feels good and increases your confidence.

Decisions are decided in our thought processes, and emotions like doubt or confidence are created by those thought processes.

When we aren’t actively focused on creating intentional and confidence boosting thought processes, the unintentional thoughts will take over.

Our unintentional thought processes are ran by our primitive brain, which pumps out fear, anxiety, and self doubt constantly.

This is not what we want.

The good news is, we have the ability to switch from the primitive brain’s default setting, to a more purposeful and intentional setting that actually serves us.

If you’d like to learn how to start making decisions with more confidence and certainty, reach out.

Book a free 60 minute session below and we will help you feel better about any decision you may be facing right now, big or small.

Your friendly coach,


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