What Have You Tried?
Photo by Anastasiia Chepinska
Hello again my love.
What kind of things have you tried to make yourself feel better?
Cozy pajamas? A night in focused on relaxing? The spa? A good book? An entire bottle of wine? Netflix?
Regardless of what you dabble in on your down time, answer me this: does any of it really work?
Well, I can’t hear your answer…
But I’m going to take a wild guess that after the initial dopamine hit of pleasure passes, you generally return to exactly where you started.
(Sometimes a little worse, depending on how much you drank)
So my love, how do we fix this?
What can we do to finally make a lasting change?
Will we ever get out of this emotional slump and feel amazing again?
Will we ever return to that steady stream of childlike wonder and excitement that we once knew and finally escape once and for all the constant stress of adulting?
The choice is entirely yours.
If you have been questioning whether or not this is even possible, the answer is 100% yes.
And I’ll share with you my own account as proof.
I had been stuck in a cycle of superficial solutions to my negative emotional state for years.
I would constantly turn to alcohol, sugary foods, bingeing Netflix, excessive shopping and oversleeping to relieve myself from the overwhelming stress and discomfort I felt in my life.
For the most part, I thought these were completely viable solutions. I thought they were all doin me a kindness.
What I realized is that these habits and temporary solutions were actually harmful. They were taking me in the opposite direction of where I wanted to go. They were creating the opposite emotional state that I was trying to achieve.
So I decided to make a change.
I couldn’t just quit cold turkey.
These habits and coping mechanisms were all I had ever known. So I started small. I began working out, reading more, journalling, picking up hobbies like learning how to play piano and speak Italian.
But my progress was still lagging. And I wasn’t necessarily feeling any better, I just liked that my habits weren’t as harmful as they once were.
I still wanted more. I wanted to feel good now. And not like I had to wait until I conquered the world first.
So one day, I decided to join a coaching program.
I was so reluctant to take this step. I didn’t want to pay my money on yet another thing that wouldn’t work. I doubted my decision for weeks before I made the jump, but I felt like I had tried so many different things, and it wouldn’t hurt to try just one more.
And then. Ah… the flood gates opened.
A flood of understanding, a flood of self love, a flood of liberation and excitement and joy.
That very first program changed the trajectory of my life.
And the choice was entirely mine.
Looking back, I recognize it was the best choice I could have ever made for myself and my current state of happiness.
Have you tried it all?
Or are you still searching for the solution to your own discomfort?
Look no further my love.
Your friendly coach,