How Vs Self Belief
Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado
1. One unhealthy pattern I find myself in that I will change is:
Trying to figure out the HOW ahead of time.
Trying to ACTION my way to my goals instead of BELIEVING my way there.
I’m also coming from such a place of lack.
Feeling fear and scarcity about everything.
Feeling like I need certain results to feel better because I’m currently a victim.
Feeling like I’m helpless to what I can or can’t create.
I will change this.
I will think of my desires from a place of abundance.
I won’t be desperate for them to arrive.
I’ll be relaxed and self assured.
I will begin at the end.
I will access that feeling and work from there.
Instead of trying to work from a place of fear.
2. What I am responsible for in order to create that change is:
Using my valuable time to get into a place of self belief and confidence instead of insecurely rushing right into figuring out the HOW.
Instead of stressing, worrying, and shaming myself.
Working FROM my future self, not my past.
Finding the exact thoughts and feelings and practicing them all the time.
If I find myself in my anxious patterns, I’ll stop, clean up my thinking, and get into a better feeling place before I go and do anything more.