How to Meditate Your Ass Off
Photo by Greg Rakozy
You guys.
It feels like summer started yesterday for me.
My husband and I had a picnic by the lake.
I got to read in the sun, visit a brewery rooftop, play in the sprinkler with my pup.
We had a fire in the backyard in the evening.
I was fascinated by all the bugs and blossoms and sunburns.
It feels like my very first summer after an 800 year winter.
(I know it’s not the first sunny day, but it’s the first sunny day I haven’t had to work or been ravaged by an existential crises)
And yes.
That sounds dramatic.
But I’m just so pleased summer finally arrived for me.
I played all day long.
I didn’t want to schedule my podcast or write this email.
But I did, because the podcast I recorded this week is awesome.
So instead of trying to summarize what I said and read you off the highlights, I’m just going to tell you I’m so happy summer came.
And if you want to listen to this week’s episode, then by all means, check it out.
I hope summer has come for you, too.
I hope this big full moon on the first of August brought you great joy and wonder and spiritual cleansing like it brought me.
I hope you remember today that your existence here is so vitally important to the entire fabric of this universe and you are loved beyond all measure.