How to access the google within your mind
Photo by Solen Feyissa
Hello again my love.
You know how we automatically go to google to answer just about everything for us?
What if there was a google conveniently located within our own minds? Available to us, without any wifi, 24-7?
Well, there kinda is.
Every answer to our burning questions. Every solution to our complex problems. Every creative idea needed to chase our dreams.
It’s all right there.
But we continue reaching for the search bar outside of us, whether it’s the search bar online or the one located in another person’s mind.
We must reacquaint ourselves with our own internal google. We must practice summoning all the answers that reside solely within us.
Because what works for the world, may not work for you.
That’s why it’s so important to be able to decipher between the answers that are coming from outside of you and the answers that are coming from inside of you.
The ones that come from the inside have a purpose, a path, and a direction.
One that is uniquely yours.
Others can never truly know what is ultimately “right” for you, because they have ZERO access to the google in YOUR mind, they only have access to theirs.
If you feel stuck, lost, or caught in a world that no longer resonates with you, you may find that you’ve only been accessing answers from the outside.
For me, that was certainly the case.
I was lost and confused.
I realized I was struggling to find the answers within, because for so long I had been ignoring myself.
My truth.
So I had to completely relearn how to access my own mind google. I had to fully reacquaint myself with my wisdom and my direction.
When we start referencing our own solutions and our own answers FIRST, we build up much needed self trust within.
We become more capable, courageous, and confident.
If you have any questions about your own mind google, reach out. I’d love to help you get reconnected with all the answers that are inside of you, right now.
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